Resolving “Insufficient Video RAM” Error in VMware

I recently visited a customer who had upgraded themselves from VMware 4.x to VMware 5.1. Looking in their event logs, we found a bunch of virtual machines reporting, “warning message: insufficient video RAM. The maximum resolution of the virtual machine will be limited to 1175×885. To use the configured maximum resolution of 2560×1600, increase the […]

Clearing ARP and DNS Cache in Linux

clear linux cache

I received several odd messages on one of my Red Hat Linux servers yesterday morning, “Neighbor table overflow”, which made me go digging around. All I could find with some well-placed Googling was that the message could be related to bad or overflowing ARP cache. One fix might be to increase the available cache, and […]

VMware 5.1+ Requires Domain and User Credentials

login error without domain

This year, I have been busy upgrading customers from VMware 5.0 to 5.1. Next year promises a flurry of upgrades to VMware 5.5. One significant change in VMware involves how it deals with credentials and integration with Active Directory. New for 5.1 is the Single Sign On (SSO) service and its associated underlying database. This […]

Resolving Windows Scheduled Job Error

scheduled job

So, last week, I created a scheduled job in Windows 7. I setup the job using the wizard to run daily. To my surprise, it never ran, so I had to go investigate why it was failing. In the History tab, the job was failing with “Task Start Failed” and error value: 2147943645. Turns out […]

Installing VMware CLI Needs RemoteSigned

Installing VMware CLI Needs RemoteSigned

Today, I needed to install VMware command line interface (CLI). So, I downloaded the latest version 5.1 from the VMware website onto a Windows 2008R2 server. Then, I proceeded to run the installation, only to receive the error message, “The PowerShell execution policy of this computer is not set to RemoteSigned. This prevents execution of […]

Using Telnet to test Exchange SMTP

Quite often printers are setup to use SMTP to email scanned documents to end users. During an Exchange upgrade, re-configuring the printers to utilize the new Exchange information is not an insignificant task because it often requires physically visiting each printer and inputting the new server’s IP address. Additionally, to avoid SMTP anonymous relays, SMTP […]

Upgrading to HP Virtual Connect VC 4.10 and Onboard Administrator OA 4.01

Upgrading to HP VC 4.10 and OA 4.01

So, as you may know, HP has released new versions of their chassis firmware, this includes release 4.10 of the Virtual Connect (VC) firmware and release 4.01 of the Onboard Administrator (OA). The OA upgrade is fairly trivial, and can be done by navigating to your HP OA website and telling it to update itself, […]

Fix Errors with vCenter Status Plugins

Fix vCenter Status Plugins

Today, I was helping a new customer with their VMware 5.1 vCenter server. When I looked in the Plug-Ins menu | Manage Plug-ins… menu item, I noticed that two plugins were reporting errors. The plugins effected were “vCenter Service Status” and “vCenter Hardware Status”. Both were reporting “The following error occurred while downloading the script […]

Finding Pesky VMware Snapshots

Finding Pesky VMware Snapshots

The snapshot capabilities in VMware (and other hypervisors) make it really convenient to test applications. You can take a snapshot, install an application, do some testing, and then revert the snapshot. Effectively, bringing your guest virtual machine back to before the application was installed, and thus not leaving all the debris typical of uninstalling an […]