Which Domain Controller has the FSMO Information

domain check fsmo

Have you ever needed to know which domain controller has the FSMO entries? For instance, as you are upgrading your domain to 2008R2, its important to move these entries from the old 2003 Server before you attempt to decommission it. Although you can get this information from the GUI, there is no one screen with […]

Installing Applications on a Remote Desktop Server

Remote Desktop Services install

Have you ever installed a Remote Desktop Server (aka Terminal Server) and then gotten strange errors when multiple users utilize applications installed on that server? Well, I’ve found that Adobe Reader works fine even if it was installed prior to the transformation of the server into a Remote Desktop Server. But, MS Office is another […]

NTP on the VMware Host

NTP on the VMware Host

Have you ever noticed that your VMware host has the incorrect time? This can cause Windows domain problems if your Windows guest machines are syncing their time with the VMware host. This post tell how to set the VMware host using vCenter. First, open the time settings dialog in vCenter: Highlight host in vCenter inventory. […]

Extending the Windows system drive

how to extend a drive

Have you ever run out of space on your system c:\ drive? This causes massive machine headaches, and its totally unnecessary if you are running your Windows machine as a guest operating system in a virtual environment. This is how, without purchasing any special licenses (other than Windows and VMware) that you can extend the […]