Allow Multiple Assignment Attempts

Allow Mulitple Attempts coursesites

This spring, I quickly learned that administering online courses is a tricky business. More specifically, one common complaint that students made was that their web quiz/assignment/test session was unexpectedly terminated and could they please, please, please re-submit? Imagine that?!? So, I wondered, how does one allow for the same BlackBoard assignment to be turned in […]

Create Smart View of Surveys

Create SmartView in coursesites

I have been supporting an online course over the last several months, and learning a ton of tricks regarding how to configure and use the free version of BlackBoard available at for instructors who support a small number of concurrent online courses. This post regards how to create a smart view of all your […]

Removing Orphaned CourseSites Assignments

CourseSites Assignment

My new project is to update the course materials for an online course, originally setup in CourseSites, see Last week, I was happily making online changes, including adding new quizzes and tests, and deleting old assignments and tests. But, this weekend, I looked at the Grading Center and was surprised by the large number […]